Future of Food Report 2023

In May 2019 we published our first Future of Food report, describing the state of affairs among Dutch consumers. Now it is time for the second edition. In this edition, we found that the knowledge and perception of the importance of sustainability have generally increased. And yet, unfortunately, sustainability remains low on the list of priorities for consumers.  

Findings in a nutshell:

Dutch consumers are not eating more sustainably now compared to in 2019, even though their sense of urgency about climate change has grown. They know more about what sustainably eating looks like, but consumers still underestimate the impact of eating (less) meat. 

Primarily, it is price that is currently the largest determinant in food choice. 


Knowing how consumers think and feel about sustainable food and how this translates into actual behaviour is crucial. We believe it’s necessary to identify trends and measure changes over time. This way we know the influence of fundamental changes in the thinking and acting of the consumer.

We believe it was important to repeat the study we did in 2019, in 2022. A lot has changed in the last 3 years. Climate change has gotten a lot of attention in politics. And obviously a pandemic has hit the world, impacting food choices and shopping behaviour. 

Why this (repeat) study?

  • Measuring = knowing: if you want to be relevant in terms of sustainability, you have to know what is happening in this area in the minds and hearts of the consumer.
  • Insight into buying motives and barriers so that you can respond to these motives and remove the barriers
  • Indispensable inspiration for new products and communication angles

This ensures more effective and efficient marketing, product development and sales of sustainable consumer products. In this way we accelerate the food transition.

Our approach:

We surveyed a sample of 1300 Dutch consumers, representative of age, gender and education, on their attitudes and behaviours when it comes to shopping for food. 

Participants were recruited through a professional online panel (Panel Inzicht).

Download the report (in English):

Download the report (in Dutch):

What’s next?

We offer half-day workshops with marketing and insights teams, where we give meaning to the results (what does this mean for us?), opportunity scouting and action planning – what are we going to do differently now?

Get in touch to learn more about how this workshop can benefit you and your team. 

We believe that understanding consumers is key to making the food system more sustainable. Successful innovation and impactful communication require a solid foundation of consumer insight. 

We are the insights partner of choice for food companies and non-profits  that aim to have a positive impact on society and our planet. Together we empower consumers to make food choices that are good for them as well as for the planet.

The Hague Tech - Waldorpstraat 5 - 2521CA - The Hague
(+31) (0)70 2042314 - Info@futureoffood.institute

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